Restricted and prohibited hire items is a global website and so even if we were lawyers, which we are not, it is virtually impossible to implement any strict rules for listing any kind of items on the website. The item owners are always fully responsible for their own listings. However, in an effort to help everybody in figuring out if an item can be legally listed on and short of listing every country's laws we've created this page to which we will publish comments from our users who are experienced in a particular industry in a particular country. We make no judgement or conclusion as to whether or not the offered information is complete or at all correct. Yet, this list may help you decide whether or not to list a particular item you own or give you hints on what to look for.

Please remember that it is up to you, the item owner, to make sure that you are not offering an item that may be illegal to hire in your country, teritory or area and that you have all necessary licences that may apply (e.g. a licence to hire out your boat to third parties) and any possibly required insurances.

In general

We categorically prohibit listing of any items obtained illegally!

Examples of categories of items that may be subject to some restrictions and/or special licences in your country:

  • Materials under copyright including most privately rented:
    • Video games
    • Films (DVD’s, Videos)
    • Audio Recordings (CD’s, MP3’s)
  • Inappropriately registered or insured vehicles.
  • Subletting a home or apartment (renting a property you do not own)
  • Firearms and other weapons including knives, swords etc. but may exclude immitation arms like those medieval entertaining groups would use.

Notes by country

The following is the list of countries and product categories we've received some feedback to from our users.

If you are an expert for any category in any country and would like to help others to avoid any pitfalls, please write to us.

The presented texts may in some case represent excerpts, rather than the full emails we received.

Click a title to expand it.



Hiring a private boat to a third party may be subject to special licencing. Please find out before listing your boat and let others know.


- Received from a car rental business owner

Vehicles need to be specifically registered as such with (in QLD) Class 4 CTP insurance, rather than Class 1 which is the case for commercial or private use vehicles.

Furthermore, the rental of a motor vehicle is a specific prohibition under normal consumer or fleet comprehensive insurance policies and these vehicles need to actually be insured with one of the three or four specialist car rental companies operating within Australia.

Should one of the vehicles that is rented through AnyHire not be properly registered and insured and is involved in an incident, the owner / renter would find themselves exposed for uninsured losses which in the case of a CTP claim could run into millions of dollars.

We also advise that sub-letting of rental vehicles is a standard exclusion on rental contracts and is prohibited by all of the specialist rental car insurers.

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